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Contact Us

Your help matters!

It really does matter! We can't stress enough on how your donation help keep this event alive. Feel like sponsoring a balloon and its pilot this year? 

You all saw last year how the event turned out with the help we did have. Imagine what more could come to this summer event with your help. 

For any other inquiries on the event, scroll down for e-mail information. Make sure you use the subject line "2024 Balloon Rally".


Our Story

As up dates go by, so will a draft detailing the history of this event. The years were great to Monroe with the site of hot air balloons passing over houses and farm fields. So stay tuned folks. In the near future, a new page will be on here to share details of one of Monroe's favorite summertime events.


Green County Fairgrounds

2600 10th Street

Monroe, WI 53566



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